let's have fun and play xbox!!!! wait... this isn't fun...
I am SO bored. (I hate when people say that, but it is now VERY true.) I am bored with Call of Duty. I'm not going to rant and rave about every thing I hate about COD, that would take too long and I am way too lazy. I was really into Modern Warfare 2 and when Black Ops was coming out, I was looking forward to it.... but then I got it... and this sums up my thoughts on it, "Meh." I still prefer MW2 except now, the only people still on that game are the ones who were pissed at BOps for making sniping harder and kids who love to use grenade launchers. I found this article about how Call of Duty ruined First Person Shooters, and while I don't fully agree with the article (how different can modern FPSs really be from one another?) it is true that a lot of games are just trying to jump on the COD setup bandwagon. So now... I'm done. I'm sure I will continue to play MW2 once in a while but I'm not going to buy another COD game. There is no point.
Here are some games I AM looking forward to. I have already talked about how awesome Bioshock Infinite looks, but this one has a much sooner release date...
The following videos WILL have violence and graphic images, if you might get offended, don't watch.
LA Noire is brought to us by Rockstar Games, who as you probably know also brought us the Grand Theft Auto's and one of my all time favorites, Red Dead Redemption. This game uses an amazing new technology that films the voice actors face and transposes it onto the game character for incredibly realistic human faces. This is used because you, the player, are now a detective in Hollywood's golden age, trying to solve murders and other crimes. You have to determine if the people who you interrogate are lying or telling the truth.
This video goes over the storyline, the technology used, what game play will be like, and other great details.
Doesn't the game look amazing and fun? Also... am I the only one who thinks the girl on the cover looks a lot like Chloe Sevigny?
The next game I wanted to bring up was Brink. Brink is a FPS that incorporates single player, co-op, and multiplayer modes and allows you to develop your "character" through out all of them. I was a little skeptical at first, being to turned off to FPSs at the moment, coughthanksCODcough, but if you listen to the second video I have posted, the developer talks about how team work is a huge part of the game, which is one of the reasons I love multiplayer games. This game looks pretty fun and I can't wait to play it with some friends. Check out the videos.
The cinematic look...
Talking with the developer...
This might sound pretty girly, but I really hope the have a girl character form I can use. Sometimes it sucks always playing as a boy.
If any of you out in the blog world are on Xbox Live, leave your gamertags and we can play sometime! To the rest of you who don't know anything about video games, they are a little cooler than you thought right?
Six videogame news sites bookmarked and that was the first time i have seen that brink interview.
nice post!
cant wait to play together!
Noire looks cool
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