Thursday, October 27, 2011


Autumn is my favorite season and I've been trying to make the most of it despite being bombarded with crazy life stuff this month. Will and I are dealing with a huge court case, there has been a major unforeseen change with my employment, and then, just to ice the cake, life decides to throw in some car issues and relationship problems into the mix. But let's not dwell on that crap. I'm dealing with things the best I can and I know it will get better eventually. 

The weather has been getting cool so I've been breaking out all my old sweaters and boots. On a side note, I'm always pretty proud of myself whenever I throw on an old sweater only because I am amazed that it has lasted a couple seasons without me ruining it. That's how bad I am at laundry, I get excited when things don't get ruined. 

I hope you have been enjoying the changing seasons wherever you are. To end things on a great note, here is an awkward picture of me standing in front of a water powered flour mill from the early 1800's, because that's the kind of thing I like to stand in front of. Have a super awesome day.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Sorry about the car/relationship issues but glad to see you posting :) I hope everything gets resolved soon, and happy fall love!