Friday, September 17, 2010

A Lovely Afternoon

The past week has been so awesome. I took the first few days of my break by totally cleaning my apartment. I had hours of laundry I needed to catch up on and I finally did it all. Chris came on Wednesday and he will be here for the next couple weeks. It's been a lot of fun having him here and Chloe now has a new best friend! I hope I can take him to Manhatten but it all depends on the dinero... like everything does. On Saturday, Nina had her party for my birthday/housewarming at her new apartment and it was so great catching up with friends. Not only am I lucky to have such awesome friends at this huge milestone in my life (I'm turning 25 tomorrow, YIKES!) but they are all amazingly great cooks and that's the most important thing, right? Right! Last night, I had dinner with my mom, my sister, and Chris at On the Borders. YUM! Tomorrow, my Dad and step mom are coming over and I'm gunna make tacos and cupcakes. Nomnomnommmm.

Today, Chris and I headed to Princeton where we visted the Princeton Record Exchange, the Paper Source, and Fruity Yogurt. The weather outside is amazing and I'm going back out right now! Here's some pics from the day.


cb said...

sounds like you are having a great time, yay! i love fruit & yogurt oh and with hot fudge! my husband always gets reeses pieces or crumbled ores...that just doesn't sound good to me....i could use a yogurt pick me up right now :D


Amanda said...

Oooh, the paper source, sounds like someplace I'd like to visit! Maybe we should make a Princeton day soon!