Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Music for a Rainy Day

It's raining cats and dogs here in the middle of New Jersey. I'm home, on a semi-break from work. It's only a semi-break because I have two jobs and I have off from one for the next week, but I still have the other to attend. So I'm still up in the dark hours of the morning and driving home in the dark hours of the evening. I have been especially getting into the holiday spirit of things by decorating my apartment and thinking of all the gifts I need to get for the people I care about. Also, right now, I have a turkey sitting in my oven. No, I don't just cook turkeys just for the hell of it. My boss (from the nanny job) gave me a turkey. If someone could mention to him  that a holiday bonus is more appropriate than a turkey, I would appreciate it. Anyways, every Thanksgiving I go to my aunts house, so this turkey has been sitting at my moms... thawing. I needed to cook it. So why not a rainy Wednesday when I will be home in the middle of the day? Sounds good to me. If you are, by chance, also taking care of stuff around the house, here is a short little playlist to keep you company. Enjoy.

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