Sunday, March 20, 2011

On Losing Someone...

via pinterest

I've been super stressed out lately, and although I feel awful saying that while Japan just suffered one of the worst disasters in the world, it's true. I've had multiple issued piled on me this week and I really wish I could just take a vacation from my life but that can't be done. While most of these issues are too personal to bring up on this public forum, one I would like to talk about is grieving for a past relationship. Whether a friend or family member, what was once an important relationship to you can slowly, or suddenly, dissolve. When I think back to best friends or boyfriends I've had who I spent every day with and who I now haven't talked to in years, it's really depressing. People evolve and change, as do I, so not everyone can get along forever. I hope to learn to be okay with this, and you would think growing up an Army brat, moving from place to place, I would be. I think it hurts more when I know I haven't moved away, that my friend/family is right there, but we don't see each other by choice. All I can do is hope I put all I could into the relationship and let things fall as they may.