Thursday, July 28, 2011

On walks and such...

The past week has been dreadfully hot here on the east coast. The last couple days it has cooled off a bit and has been more bearable, but of course, now I am stuck inside watching men paint a house. It's okay, I am getting paid for it. So when I DID have some free time, you know, when it was a bajillion degrees out, I took Chloe for a nice long walk.

We have some awesome paths in my town that I really don't use enough. (cough-I-still-want-a-bike-William-cough) There are some bike paths that even lead down to the canals in Princeton. I'd LOVE to ride them before this summer is up! I think I'm going to add that to my never ending list of goals.

Anyways, here is proof we went on said walk, since I know you don't believe anything I say. Just kidding, you totally do, which is funny to me.

When we got back to the apartment, Chloe pretty much collapsed. As you can see, she is halfway onto the tile in the kitchen. This is rare. Of course she would like to be fully on the cool tile but she is scared of narrow spaces and this is about as far as she can go. Yeah, she's special.


Caitlin said...

Gotta love long walks with a beast! And hasn't this heat been insane?

elsie said...

Cute pictures! Thank you for such a sweet comment!
xo, Elsie