Sidewalls is a romantic comedy that follows two individuals, Mariana and Martin, who are neighbors in the sprawling city of Buenos Aires but have never met. They are both slightly damaged in their own ways but are trying to make the best of things.
Mariana, played by Pilar Lopez de Ayala, is coping with a break up of four years and has just moved to a new apartment. While trying to get her life back in order, she continues her job as a shop window designer, maybe becoming a bit too attached to the mannequins she works with.
She hesitantly accepts a date offer, she finally starts going swimming as she has always hoped to do, and she is very preoccupied with finding Waldo in a book she has had since she was a little girl.
This movie is beautiful. It's a wonderful combination of "real life sad", a sadness many people can relate to, and hope for finding love. Even though they live in buildings next to each other, it is almost like the city is trying to keep Mariana and Martin apart until just the right moment. This sweet movie is available on Netflix Instant now. If you watch it, let me know what you thought of it.
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