Don't be scared. That mysterious black creature is just Chloe. Those with black furry friends know how hard it is to take pictures of them. This is my dresser, which has probably only looked like this when I moved into my apartment. I usually have piles of clothes on top of it. Part of my Project Grown up plans were to organize my things better and I figured it was easier for me to use the closet and Will to use the drawers. I finally took out all my clothes, cleared off the top of the dresser, and took a picture as proof for I'm not sure how long this will last. Also, while putting Wills clothes in the drawers, I became envious. I like his clothes better than mine. Is that weird? I feel like purging a lot of my clothes but I don't want to regret it. More on this later...
I hope you all have very fun and sun-filled weekends!
P.S. I took off my Google button because I found out it wasn't working! (Thanks Sarah!) So if you use Google Friend Connect, you can now add this blog as I have put the widget back on the sidebar. Dankeschön!